I haven't blogged in a long time, and there is really really good reason for this. ............or is there a reason more then being lazy? No, I had to finish High School, get good grades, pass my American Citizens Knowledge Test (which I promptly forgot a lot of things), graduate, and let my brain reform after turning into a pile of goo, which was stored in a bottle on my self. It's back in my head and now I am back and ready to blog.
I have had a lot of new projects, finished objects and lots of new yarn.
I finished my plain STR socks, in colorway.....no idea since I lost the ball band. Maybe that's what I'll call the ones I don't know, NISILTBB!!!! Anyways, they are pretty, comfy and I can't wait for the cold weather again.
I also finished my Urban Aran Cardigan, well the knitting portion. I originally wanted to do the zippered version that Brooklyn Tweed did. However, the sewing machine we have is quite old and set in it's ways. I didn't want to sew in a zipper on a sweater knit in bulky yarn on size 10 needles. So to thwart me it made a tangle and mess, which I promptly swore at and ripped the mess apart, and got everything back in order.
After this I decided to knit a button band, after I already knit the collar with shaping, which Elizabeth Zimmerman would be proud of, (I have been on a EZ fix lately but more of that later). So now all i need is 7, yes that's right 7 buttons.
In Macek Designs news, business is now picking up quite a bit. I have now, count them, 4 distributers of my yarn, my etsy shop
, The Knitting Room in San Jose
, Wool Girl
and finally Green Planet Yarns
. Which btw is an amazing store, great people, great yarn, and they rock. I am currently on a waiting list for dying, which is strange cause that rarely happens, only if I'm super busy, lots of orders, or I have a huge one to complete, or a combination of the three.
After watching EZ's DVDs I just had to make something she designed. I knew I wanted a sweater but wasn't sure, so I decided on the Hybrid Sweater knit in Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Worsted on size 8s. So far it's going well and the math is correct, I hope. I have never knit with this yarn before but I like it, and it's strange since normally I don't like single ply yarns.
Spinning wise, my wheel hasn't seen much action but will be, especially with what I'm spinning up for my LYS.
Sorry about the long post, just wanted to catch up whoever reads this, (or it could be the expresso, my guess is that is more likely). And there will be pics following.