Wow things in life really do need to settle. It's been such a long time since I posted anything on the blog. Lets see if I can update everything.
Knitting wise I made the Cobblestone sweater,a pair of mittens, fingerless gloves, and socks on my sock knitting machine. It wasn't a very productive year for me, I had a lot of slumps. The sock machine is good, runs like a charm and has a brother, literally, I purchases a Brother KH-910 Computerized Knitting Machine and it's so much fun!
I haven't updated my etsy for a long time because I just haven't had time to make anything to sell, but hopefully soon.
THings that are broken still/broke last year were including my computer, my car, my phone service, my heart, and lots of other things (no nothing broken cause of fights or anything just cause I have bad luck). Which reminds me, if anyone can help me get out of my Verizon contract early without termination fees let me know, I've had the worst of luck with my cell phone. I had to send a letter into the local paper's Action line and there was no action, if you're interested this is what happened.
"I recently started a new 2-year contract with Verizon Wireless in February of 2009. My service was functional until it hit June, that's when all of this trouble started. My service cut out for around 6 hours where my messaging wouldn't work at all, I had very low bars, and phone calls weren't working all that well. After that I have been calling Verizon Tech Support every month, maybe even everyweek. All of the problems I have been having were odd, since I had wonderful service when I was on my Mother's Family Plan. I went into a store first and they told me that it was my phone, that the internal antenna was broken and that it would need replacing. I promptly did this and I got a phone which the touch screen on it (my model was the LG Voyager VX1000) did not work at all. I took the phone in the next day and I talked to a representative, he asked if I calibrated it and I told him that I did multiple times. Then he called over the LG representative that was there that day and he took a look at it. He asked me the same thing and I explained to him that I just got the phone the day before and that I already calibrated it. He finally said (in his exact words), "Yeah it's broken." I had already told them this and they proceeded to send me a "new" voyager. In the meantime I asked for my old EnV to be activated until I got the replacement (I used this phone on my Mother's account previously). That phone also had the same issues that the other two voyagers had and so I went back into Verizon. They told me that it was my phone because it was so old, however I had already called Tech Support and updated my software. I finally negotiated a new phone, the EnV Touch as a replacement and for the trouble I was experiencing. My service was working alright after that, but a mere week later my service was acting up yet again. I had maybe 2 calls dropped my whole time with Verizon, I do not get a reliable signal anywhere, calling quality on all of my phones were terrible, I loose service randomly, when I send a text message sometimes it never sends, delays them for up to an hour, I get "send failed would you like to retry?" on a daily basis, and I also get "Cannot send, no signal. Would you like to resend in digital?" I have called probably 50 times since June, with everyone having me update my roaming, my phone software, or saying that they have no idea. Finally I got a trouble ticket opened for the signal and it came back as "the towers are perfect in your area, so it's not that." I was told by representatives in store that it's my service and I agree, for how can 4 phones (1 that worked perfectly on another account) all not work, all in succession. Then I opened one for the texting problems, they traced the text saying that once it got to the other provider that they couldn't track it anymore. However it does this with Verizon customers too and my picture messaging doesn't always work either. Finally I talked to a friend of mine and he took me to a different store, talked to the Manager at the store I was going to and has been helping me along the way. The store that I currently go to opened a 3rd trouble ticket, which was escalated to a high level. I got a call much like the first one a few days after calling in the trouble ticket, saying that they don't know yet and that they would get back to me. I called a week later and the phone representative told me she had no info on it, wanted me to try to update my roaming and told me it was my phone. I called two days later to give them more information about it and they were just dumfounded just like all of the calls I made so far. One solution that was recommended by the new store representative was to wipe my account clean and get rid of my number and give me a new number. They said that someone with the same problem came in and they did that and her service was fine. I really don't want to do this because my number is associated at a myriad of places, my job and all other locations have my number, my bank, all of my friends, my school, etc. I also had a problem with the EnV touch turning itself off randomly, when I close it from the open position, resetting settings, not wanting to turn on, etc. They sent me a "like new certified replacement" and I backed up my contacts with back up assistant. I activated the "new" phone myself and then got back up assistant on it and then proceeded to download my contacts. My online myverizon said I had none and when I tried to even access my empty contact list on the new phone it wouldn't let me, I had the wrong password and when I asked for the right one that one was incorrect as well. I turned on the old device and tried back up assistant again and it was back up assistant is not working right now. I just left the old phone powered on, about 10 minutes later it went off with multiple text messages, that were delayed 30 minutes. The "new" device should have gotten them, but never did. I activated it just like it told me to in the instructions that were sent to me. Finally on 12-1-09 I got a phone call from Verizon, I couldn't answer because I was working. I recorded the message on my digital voice recorder. They said that they checked my service area and that it's perfect and that it's my device and have a store update it's software. I did this already which did nothing.
I have been paying my bill every month since I started and for a full time student who works at Jamba Juice it can be hard sometimes. I have gotten nothing out of them besides a phone that barely works and $5 in credit once. My plan is $59.99 without taxes or surcharges. Everytime I talk to someone on the phone at Tech Support or in store I'm not treated fairly, when my older friend came with me they started to treat me better. I do not feel like a valued customer, I am treated like the unwanted jelly beans you get in the variety pack. I'm past my point of patience with them, I would like to cancel with no fees and get reimbursement for the months I paid and the service wasn't working, not full, but at least half. I want to switch over to at and t, everytime I go into a store (sometimes with another at and t customer) they treat me the exact opposite of Verizon, even though they know I have a different provider."
Anything new you should expect from me? More posts of course haha!
And I'm in the works of writting a knitting book!!!!! I'll keep everyone updated (all like 1 people who read this).