Friday, July 25, 2008

Actual content to blog about!

It's amazing that I actually have stuff to blog about, I suppose I will be blogging more, especially when I'm should be doing something else. *Undyed yarn gives me a look*

I went to visit a LYS called Purlescense, here and they are fabulous! They are the only spinning store in the area, besides the one in san francisco, which takes to long to get to. I had a question on how to spin cotton top, and so a fellow spinner there showed me how and now I love it! I also bought a sheep to shoe kit (yes they carry blue moon) and a hand dyed silk hankie.

The infernal Urban Aran Cardigan is DONE!!!!!! The button band works, and the buttons are amazing, below are some shots of it. The photographer said the one taken from the back looks really good, what do you all think of the cardigan, and the pic for that matter?

Here's a front picture. Believe me getting the fronts to the right number of stitches was a little more tricky then i thought it would be. Though the slip stitches helped for the button band pick up.

And here's the infamous back picture (which the photographer said that people would flock here to see). I don't know about that but it does look good I suppose.

And then, here is the Elisabeth ZImmerman Hybrid Sweater in progress. Which is made in Brown Sheep Lambs Pride Worsted.

Is anyone interested in learning how to spin cotton or spin in general? Let me know, I might just make a video hehe.

Till next time, when the cotton isn't pulling me into spin hehe.


Yarndude said...

Oh, you did a phenomenal job with that sweater! I agree, that picture of the back is absolutely gorgeous - I am in awe.

Also, the more videos the merrier the learners, so I say film away!

Dave said...

I like your version better than Tweed's; I'm not a fan of zippers in sweaters. It looks fantastic -- well done!

Marie said...

*Love* the sweater, tho I did get get sneak peeks "in progress", but the back *is* truly amazing. WTG!

Chelsea said...

This is a gorgeous sweater! Btw, you must be at the Knitting Room. I'm Chelsea and I met you at Purlescence today. Rembmer - the new spinner. ;) Nice meeting you! And great fos!