Wednesday, April 21, 2010

And it's been a while, but I have my reasons

I kinda had some work accidents and stress that just wiped me out. Don't worry I'm fine and the nice weather made working more stressful.

On another note I bought a Droid, I know I know what I've said about Verizon, hear me out. I was mad that my service was bad, my phone, no matter how indestructible (even dropped, unintentionally, in a floor drain at work), I wanted out. However, my service was not as glitchy and I figured, hey what if I switched and that service was even more horrid. So I broke down and got the Droid, added the unlimited data, and I love the thing. It's like when an iPhone user first gets their iPhone they have that moment, that moment I had, "how did I live without this smart phone." This thing is so amazing, I am sold on android phones, love mine, and I hope to see many more coming out.

Knitting wise, I've been super lazy to not post these, may I unveil the Olympic Sweater.

I love this sweater, I love the yarn, I love everything about it. It was fast, it is warm and soft, and I want to make everything out of this yarn, not really but I was rolling with it. 2 weeks made this sweater, so I'm impressed with working and going to school full time that's pretty impressive.

Knitting wise I caved and started the gams from knitty and I ran out of the first yarn, so I had to stripe in some contrast. I love these things, mindless and fun.

1 comment:

Edwardii said...

I wish my photos of that sweater had been better! They don't do it near justice. Great job!