Monday, January 25, 2010

Lots of dye and stuff to do

So this is my last week of freedom before I have to go back to school next week. It's going to be a really busy semester for me, 14 units, working, and keeping that all in balance.

This is 6 pounds of undyed yarn, 4 will be dyed by me for a special project I am involved in, I'm not going to say what that is but all I know it's going to be pretty epic. I was going to dye tonight, but alas I don't have enough vinegar. Wednesday will be the day I think, I'll get vinegar and the weather should be better.

Knitting wise the Thinking of You scarf is almost to the chart, I so don't like making scarves at all. But this one is really well deserved by the recipient. The book projects I havent' touched for a while, I need some inspiration for me to get them going again.

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