Sunday, February 07, 2010

Wind my arm off

So I was getting ready to wind all of the yarn for the project, measuring, calculating and doing a winding by hand till all numbers were all complete, which I didn't mind. I was thinking, I can't wait to put the motor on my skein winder, and it will go so much faster. Well not so much, the yarn I was winding was too much for my motor and it couldn't do it. So I had to wind about 5 pounds of dyed yarn by hand. Though it did turn out very well I think. Excuse the messy desk, it's my creative chaos.

The orange is a red in this picture, but I like how they turned out. The purple was a little bit of a challenging child, but apparently the knitters who saw it loved it. I'm please with the bright intense colors I got, the yarn is a BFL and I liked it so much I might make it a permanent edition to the Macek Designs line. I know I might want to order more for a sweater I have in mind.

Speaking of knitting the knitting olympics is coming up very very very soon and I'm not sure what I am going to knit for it. I have an idea for it, it's a possible project for the book, a slightly plain sweater with intarsia in it and maybe some other textures. I'm not sure yet, still playing with the idea.

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